The world is bracing for impact after Saddam Hussein rejected President Bush's ultimatum last night to leave Iraq within 48 hours. Many world leaders called on Bush to give diplomacy and inspections more time. But France, a vocal critic of the U.S., surprisingly softened its stance a bit by saying it would assist the coalition allies in a war if Saddam Hussein used biological or chemical weapons.
Under a full moon at dawn, a soldier from the U.S. Army's A Company 3rd Battalion 7th Infantry Regiment walks past a line of Bradley fighting vehicles Tuesday, March 18, 2003. (Associated Press)
Spain: No combat role in Iraq war, CNN - Despite siding with the U.S. and Britain, Spain's Prime Minister affirms no combat troops will be sent to Iraq.
US forces around Iraq, Sydney Morning Herald - A breakdown of U.S. troops surrounding Iraq.
Reporting for duty, The Independent - A report on the massive number of journalists from all over the globe converging on Iraq.
On President Bush's speech, - A pool of San Francisco Chronicle readers weigh in with their opinions on the Iraq war.
U.N. Inspectors Look Back in Some Anger, - The evacuated U.N. inspectors voice some frustration over not having more time to complete their task.
Bush charts his own course on world policy, - A closer look at President Bush's management of U.S. foreign policy.
The Red, White and True, - Columnist Paul Vitello questions President Bush's plan and offers up his view on this crazy, crazy world.
How long do you think a war in Iraq would last? Post your thoughts and let us know.